Dede Koswara ‘Tree Man’ Of Indonesia Trying To Find A Cure So He Can Run His Family


Updated Trends: Dede Koswara ‘Tree Man’ Of Indonesia Trying To Find A Cure So He Can Run His Family

Dede Koswara or the ‘Tree Man’ , 37, is said to be searching for a cure to his strange skin disease called Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia. He is shunned by all the people he meet and thus he very depressed about it. He has a dream to see his grand children well and healthy, and for this reason he is in search of a medicine that cure his condition.

Tree Man

He has been termed as the “Tree man” because of the wood like growth that is protruding out from his body, and that grows almost 5 millimeters every month. It is really sad to see this condition, and he wants to be cured in order to support his family. Koswara has been receiving treatment from a long time now, but he is not sure whether his condition will actually heal.

The doctors tending to his illness cutoff the growth before it grows back, but this is not working at all. The wood like growth has spread all throughout his body, which even includes his face, and sadly it is turning out to become a social pain for him. In his sorrowful and painful words, Dede said, that he cannot work and that is why he cannot support them. He just wishes that he lives to see his grandchildren.