Guests at Disneyland warned of exposure to measles

People at Disneyland are being warned about a possible exposure to measles after a visitor with the disease visited the park


Popular theme park Disney Land in Los Angeles recently had a visitor who was infected with measles. The information was provided by health officials on October 22, 2019 and has added that this has exposed many other people around the infected person to the contagious disease. The individual with measles had first visited Starbucks at West Los Angeles on October 16, 2019 and visited Disneyland at 9:15 am.

The information about the individuals whereabouts was given out in a statement by the County Department of Public health. The statement has also warned to the public to take notice of the person who visited the same location during that timeframe as they might be at risk of contracting measles for up to 21 days after being exposed to the infection. The infection of measles is contagious and can be spread to other individuals through coughing and sneezing. The health department said that it would continue to provide more details about the information about the possible exposure with time and locations.

Dr. Muntu Davis, the Health Officer at Los Angeles County said that people who are not immunized are more at risk to contract the disease, which can potentially be severe with symptoms that include cough, fever, rashes, red and watery eyes and more. Davis added that Measles is airborne and can spread quickly by direct contact and the person could have it even before he realizes it. The health officer also informed the MMR (vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella) is an effective way to protect a person from the disease and also helps to prevent an unintentional spread of the serious infection to others.

The department has requested people to monitor themselves of the potential risk in case if they have any symptoms like fever, or any kind of rash. People with the symptoms are asked to stay at home and call a health care provider for further medication and treatment.

Photo Credits: Pixabay