5 Ways to Avoid Loneliness During the Holidays


Avoid Loneliness in 5 Simple Ways.

Whether it’s because you moved to a new city, just went through a recent divorce, or perhaps lost a partner to death or separation; being alone during the holidays can make you feel isolated and downright lonely.

Part of the reason so many people dread the holidays is because for some, the holidays conjure memories of family celebrating with special dinners, shopping for loved ones and decorating with warm lights and seasonal adornments. There is a certain togetherness that is associated with the holiday season. Commercials portray happy couples and families opening gifts. The holidays are a time for love, except for single people.

So aside from crying all day and wallowing in a pitcher of your favorite beverage, or succumbing to self-destructive behaviors, what can you do to avoid the inevitable feeling of loneliness and despair? If this applies to you, here are several productive suggestions:

1. Volunteer – By donating your time at a service worthy of helping those less fortunate, you will create an altruistic feeling that your time is worthwhile and appreciated. Not only does volunteering give you a chance to surround yourself with people, you may find solace in the fact that there are so many others who are worse off and feel good knowing you made a difference.
2. Accept Invitations – Unless you have just moved to a new city, you may have co-workers or friends who invite you to functions, especially if they know that you are spending the holidays alone. Rather than feeling like an imposition, put your best foot forward and attend every invitation that comes your way. You will be in good company with people who do care about you.
3. Adopt a Pet – Dogs and cats can bring joy and comfort to someone who is alone. They give you a sense of companionship and will be there for you, even when it seems like no one else is.
4. Join a Group – Especially if you’re in a new city, search for groups who enjoy doing things you like to do. From salsa dancing to art classes and every type of hobby, the chances of finding like-minded people to hang with are even better if you make that first brave step to sign up and put yourself out there.
5. Meet Someone Online – Even if you’re newly single, it could be fun to seek companionship during the holidays for a fresh new start. You can go on a date with someone or just meet a new friend on a high quality dating site. Or you can find a match service meant for professional singles to meet and mingle. Why spend the holidays alone when at the very least, you can make a new friend or have a romantic time with someone? You never know, it could lead to a blossoming new relationship!

Whatever you do… don’t mope around, cry or be depressed during the holidays when there are so many opportunities out there to surround yourself with people. Be open to the possibilities of new friendships in your life!

Photo Credit: Pixabay