5 Common Traits Of 2016 Billionaires


The billionaires of 2016 seem to come from very different domains. Tech industry geeks, investment gurus, new technologies, fashion or trade are just some of the area from which the wealthiest of our fellow humans come from. Surprisingly, when taking a closer look at them, we have seen some common everyday practices in their lives. If you want to maybe follow their footsteps and become a billionaire yourself, check out 5 Common Traits Of 2016 Billionaires:

Image Source: rollingstone.com

They wake up early

Most of them have admitted to starting their day as soon a 5 or 6 A.M. This gives them a few hours of uninterrupted work when they get their most important tasks of the day done. The productivity level of these hours is great and it gives them the opportunity to work on what is truly important, not only on emergencies.

They read

All billionaires agree that they read every day in order to keep up with the latest developments from the industries they are interested in. They never stop learning new things and broadening their horizons, because opportunity can come knocking from where you expect less.

They delegate tasks

These people possess great knowledge about how to delegate tasks to others so that they can focus on parts where their skills can be best put to use.

They leave their phone out of their hand

They know that emails are not that important and staying a few hours of the grid is beneficial. Concentrating is especially hard with so many distractions around, so more often than not, their phone isn’t in their hand.

They listen

They speak with consultants, employees and other people daily to gauge their opinions and learn as much information as possible, because although there are great at what they do, they realize they can’t know everything.

These 5 traits which we found common in so many billionaires seem like easy things, but the impact they make is great. They are great steps to begin with and will provide almost instant benefits, not to mention lead you towards a more balanced and productive life.