3 DIY pedicure shortcuts

    Photo source: www.simplebeautiful.co.uk

    Look at a person’s feet and you known how they are groomed. When feet are hydrated and free from dry patches, they automatically look well-groomed. It is also relaxing method to refresh your entire body. Here are a some simply DIY pedicure option you chose based on how much time you have in hand.

    1. 2 minutes pedicure – Take a buffing block to smooth out the nail surface & to shed the yellow color on your nails. You can also use the gritty side to soften skin at the tips of your toes. Massage a rich foot cream into your skin, paying close attention to the driest areas, including the backs of the heels and around the cuticles.
    2. 5 minutes pedicure – Clean your feet in a tub of warm water and pat dry. Then use  an oil-based scrub which will moisturize as it exfoliates dead, dry cells. File nails to even out all the nails. If there is oil from the foot scrub still on your nail then use a nail polish remover to wipe properly and finally apply your nail polish.
    3. 35 minutes pedicure – Soak your feet in a tub of warm water for about 3 minutes. It will be great to use bath salts for nourishing your skin and soothe tired feet. Then pat your feet dry & slough off dead skin cells with a dry foot file of medium grit. Trim your nails neatly accross all nails evenly and use 3 cuts to trim else you will land up hurting yourself. Smooth the edges with a fine-grit emery board. Rub a rich cream on your feet, top and bottom. Don’t forget your heels and cuticles. Then remove excess oil on your nails using a nail polish remover and finally apply nail polish of your choice. Allow your nails to dry for atlas 15 minutes before you slip your feet into those sandals. To speed things up, apply quick-dry drops after the topcoat.

    And this is how you get a well maintained & pampered feet!

    Source: realsimple.com