4 Ways to maintain a healthy heart in your 30s


If you are in your 30s, you are probably overwhelmed with plenty of things: working long hours, building a career, starting a family or already taking care of one, spending quality time with friends and your partner and maybe even having some ‘me’ time along the way. In order to achieve all of this, you need to take care of your health, so here are 4 simple ways to maintain a healthy heart.

4 Ways to maintain a healthy heart in your 30s

1. Work out regularly – A good workout will help you to get into shape, reduce the level of stress or simply feel better. Stop making excuses, because even 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity every day will make a significant difference.

2. Get enough sleep – The risk of cardiac arrest or stroke increases if you sleep less than 5 hours per night. Make sure to go to bed at a certain time and get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

3. Limit sugar and salt intake – Salt can be the cause of high blood pressure, while sugar can increase the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Even though you do not need to avoid salt and sugar entirely, try to eat cakes and pastries from time to time only.

4. Check birth control – Using pills or the patch might worsen your condition if you suffer from any heart problems. Keep in mind to consult with your gynecologist before trying any new contraceptives.

Photo Credits: She Knows