Women more likely to suffer from broken heart syndrome than men?


Updated Trends: It is believed that a woman’s heart is more delicate than that of a man. A recent study has revealed that women are seven to nine times more likely to suffer a broken heart syndrome due to a prolonged stress like a break up or death causes.


The study has also mentioned that problems could also lead to heart attack or heart failure-like symptoms. Surprisingly, the patients recover with no long lasting damage.

Dr. Mariell Jessup, a heart failure specialist from the University of Pennysylvania said that the classic case would be that of a woman, who has just lost her husband. In an incident in the year 2005, a woman’s husband suffered a massive heart attack and had to be operated.

The husband was wheeled to the operation theatre in front of her after which the wife collapsed at the nurse station due to broken heart syndrome. Later both ended up in the coronary care and had also survived. It was found that this can happen when one receives a sudden shock and sometimes even a good one like winning a lottery. This triggers a rush of adrenaline and some of the other stress related hormones which causes the heart to stop working properly.