Screening of bowel cancer to reduce death rates


Updated Trends: A new study in the UK has mentioned that screenings of bowel cancer can cut the number of deaths by more than a quarter. The National Cancer Research Institute had mentioned evidence which states that the risk of death had reduced by 27% if people attended screening compared to those who did not attend screening.


In the process of screening of bowel cancer, the patients are made to use faecal occult blood test, which the people carry out at home. The research was funded by the Scottish government which had helped to show the impact of the screening in bowel cancer.

Robert Steele, the author of the study, said that for the first time they can see the effect of a FOBt based colorectal cancer program in the real world of the NHS. About 370,000 people aged between 50 to 69 had participated in the pilot study of bowel screening.

The study ran between 2007 and 2009, before the national program was introduced. The researcher then also observed people who did not belong to any health boards and did not take part in the pilot study. The figures had given evidence that the screening of bowel cancer had helped in lowering the number of deaths.