Clint McCane’s Posts On Facebook Invites Widespread Criticism


Updated Trends: Clint McCane’s Posts On Facebook Invites Widespread Criticism

The Arkansas Department of Education is opposing the supposed anti-gay comments posted on social networking site, Facebook by the Board Member of the Midland School, Clint McCance.

Spirit Day

McCane says that he would wear purple only when all gays and lesbians commit suicide. He said, “Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves.I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed themselves because of their sin.”

The Midland School District statement says that it does not “support or condone” by what McCane has posted on Facebook. The statement further read, “Mr. McCance was not acting as an agent of the school board, but as a private citizen when this comment was posted. The district strives to foster an environment that discourages all forms of bullying and an environment that encourages a safe and productive educational climate for all of our students.”

These postings were done, a day prior to the ‘Spirit Day’. On this day, Americans are supposed to wear purple to remember the deaths of six teen gays, who were bullied to death.