New Audio Tape Of Osama Bin Laden Threatens France


    Updated Trends: New Audio Tape Of Osama Bin Laden Threatens France

    A new audio tape of the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, has been released, in which he has summoned a direct threat to France. According to a statement released by the French Foreign Ministry, it is said that audio tape released is quite authentic. In the audio tape, the Al Qaeda head has summoned death threats to French citizens.

    Osama Bin Laden France Threat

    He has stated that many French citizens could lose their lives, for the country has supported the war in Afghanistan, which has caused death to many innocent Muslim people. And he has also shown his anger over the ban of the burqa in the country. The audio tape has been recovered from the Al Jazeera television station.

    The Foreign minister has said that the authenticity of tape has been recognized over the initial verification available with country. According to the authorities at the French ministry, they have stated that this shows the terror threat in Europe is quite real. In recent months, the terror threat in Europe has increased to a higher level, as a reason for which authorities have become very vigilant over any sort of suspicious movement.