Eating habits for people who have family history of diabetes

    Diabetes in family can put you at risk but a few dietary changes can do the trick


    Diabetes is a common diseases that affects millions of people across the globe. While majority of times, it is due to the lifestyle changes that induce the disease. But for many it is also caused due to genes. People who have diabetes in family should be careful with themselves and could be prone to it as well. But thankfully, even you have people with diabetes in family, a few dietary changes can help you to avoid the disease and lead a healthy life.

    1. Include more plants in diet – Diet plays an important role in your health. If you have a family history of diabetes, then make sure that you consume more plants. Fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits are highly recommended. They provide the energy for the body in the most natural way as more fibre enters the body. It helps in a proper balance of glucose for the body.

    2. Limit fast food – This is the major culprit for majority of the diabetes cases in the world. However, that does not mean that you will have to completely cut out from the delicacies. It is OK to indulge in fast food once in a while, but if the habit becomes frequent then it could be a warning sign and induce what you do not want to have.

    3. Get ample vitamin D – Make sure that you spend time absorbing some early morning sunlight as it provides the most natural source of Vitamin D which is essential for the body. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium in the body. Research says that 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure on face, arms and back twice a week is sufficient.

    4. Find a sweet replacement – If you still do not want to disappoint your sweet taste buds, you can find a natural sweet replacement like berries, honey or other fruits that have natural sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners would spike your blood glucose levels and make you prone to the disease.

    Photo Credits: Pixabay