Things a number of new mothers should know beforehand

New mothers or expectant mothers are vulnerable to a number of things and here are a few facts that they should know


Pregnancy and motherhood is one of the happiest yet important phases in a women’s life. No matter how many books you read and how many suggestions you follow, you could still come across a number of challenges. If you are expecting, or are about to deliver any time, here are a few things that expecting mothers should know so when you actually go through it, you are not caught by surprise.

1. Childbirth recovery should be taken seriously – It does not matter if you had a normal delivery or a C-section. The recovery time for the mother and the baby is critical. Do not expect any reward for the hard work, but pay attention to your own health and the baby.

2. Babies are boring – Many of you reading this could be frowning. But that is the ultimate truth and all the babies do is sleep, eat, cry and poop and this goes on repeating till months. However, everything will be worth when they would look at you and smile for the first time.

3. You will be sleep deprived for months – Motherhood is never easy. You will have to learn to survive on little sleep. Catch up as much as sleep you can when the baby is also asleep. Do not worry as this will be a phase till the baby is grown enough to sleep the entire night.

4. Be prepared for plenty of parenting advise – People around you are going to get up with their suggestions. It is OK to follow them, but also follow your own instincts.

5. You will have to make plenty of decisions – You will have to make the right choices for your babies, from the brand of baby products, clothes, nutrition and the list is endless. Follow your instincts and be calm in everything you do.

Tip – This is going to be a time when you will be prone to have hormonal rushes and you might feel left out and sad. DO not hesitate to seek help if you think that you might be undergoing post-partum syndrome.

Photo Credits: Pixabay