Trapped Chilean Miners Could Be Out By The Night Of 12th October


Updated Trends: Trapped Chilean Miners Could Be Out By The Night Of 12th October

In the recent reports it is said that, the trapped Chilean miners could be out by the night of 12th October. The engineers have worked double shifts on the rescue of the trapped 33 miners at the San Jose mine. The plan is simple, they have layed down the 94 meter steel casing within the bore or the tunnel which will be a shaft through which the miners will be wenched out.
trapped chilean miners rescue

The capsule which will be used to pull out the trapped miners is called ‘Phoenix’, which has been built by the rescue team. Phoenix will be lowered into the shaft in which each miner would be wenched out. It has been said that it will be taking at least 10-40 minutes to pull out each of the 33 miners trapped 700 meters below.

A tide of joy splashed in Camp Hope at the mine, where the relatives of the miners have stayed for more than two months, in a hope to see their loved ones come back from the underground trap. It is only a matter of time now, as the process of rescuing would begin at the San Jose mine, but there is also a sense of nervousness among the rescue workers, as they hope nothing should go wrong during the rescue process.