Adam Lambert’s Back Up Dancer Held For Carrying Bullets At NAIA


Updated Trends: Adam Lambert’s Back Up Dancer Held For Carrying Bullets At NAIA

Adam Lambert, the 2009 American Idol runner-up, had a successful show in the Philippines and was on his way to Hong Kong when one of his back up dancers was held at the airport for carrying bullets. The dancer has been held up at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), when authorities felt they found live ammunition in his luggage.

2009 Z100 Jingle Ball Press Room

The bullets have been identified to be of an Armlite rifle, and they were spotted through the X-Ray check at the airport. Adam Lambert and his entourage were supposed to board the Cathay Pacific flight 900 from the NAIA. It is a strong blow on Adam’s image, as one his accomplices was carrying an illegal object on the flight.

It was later known, after an investigation, that these ammunitions, all 18 of them, were absolutely fake, and they were used during the shows. The Philippines police later released them without filing any sort of official charge.