6 Early signs of diabetes you should not ignore

Diabetes does show you a few signs before it flares up and it is better to observe and be attentive to such signs


Diabetes has become a very common disease across the globe but if such a condition is not controlled at the right time, this could lead to other health issues as well. Diabetes is a condition when the blood glucose levels increase in the blood stream. It is the insulin in the body which helps to regulate the blood glucose levels in the body and in its absence, the glucose levels can become concentrated and damage the blood vessels, nerves and other organs. If your body is not producing ample insulin, it will surely give out a few signals. Here are few signs that you must look out for in case of high blood sugar levels.

1. Fatigue – This is one of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar levels. You might end up feeling tired all the time even if you are taking ample rest and sleep. You also feel extra tired after consuming a meal that is high on carbs. It is better to get it checked.

2. Frequent urination – On an average, a person urinated about 4 to seven times in a day. But people with diabetes urinate more frequently. This happens when the blood sugar levels are high and you end up urinating frequently. The kidneys are not able to process all the added sugar and it makes use of the urine to get rid of it.

3. Increased thirst – When you urinate more, you tend to become dehydrated as you body is constantly loosing water. You end up feeling thirstier and drink more water. If this happens with other symptoms as well then it is better to consult your physician.

4. Blurred vision – Extra sugar water tends to get trapped in the middle of the eye and this causes a blurred vision.

5. Headache – This is a very common issue in terms of hyperglycemia or diabetes. If you are experiencing headaches frequently then it is advised to get your blood sugar levels checked.

6. Poor immunity –High blood sugar levels also make it tough for the immune system of the body. The body then becomes prone to infections.

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