Terror Training Camps Include Many Europeans, Says Pakistan


    Updated Trends: Terror Training Camps Include Many Europeans, Says Pakistan

    Pakistan has stated that many foreigners with European citizenship have been known to be a part of the Terror training camps in northwest Pakistan. Pakistan intelligence has stated that these people with European identities are reported to be trained to take on European nations in their act of terrorism.
    Terror Camps

    The Intelligence tracked phones and voice mails which is said to have been originated from Britain and other European nations, and were calling areas near the Afghan border. Its reported that Al Qaeda is the first group to encourage foreigners in their training camps. After the information flooded the American agencies, they have alerted American citizens who are travelling to Europe frequently.

    Reports state that foreigners in the Al Qaeda group to carry out their terrorist activities, will prove to be a boon for terrorist organizations, as these people will easily blend into the society with being suspected. It is also reported by the US intelligence, that a terrorist organization in Pakistan is training their extremists to carry out an attack with assault weapons in a European country, the same sort of attack which was carried out in India in the 26/11 terrorist attack.