5 ways to lower high blood pressure without medications

High blood pressure can be reduced naturally without the help of any medications

high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a problem that is common among people who often lead a stressful life. People diagnosed with high blood pressure often begin medications to bring down the blood pressure. However, it is highly advised that high blood pressure must be brought down naturally without depending on medicines. Here are a few natural ways to bring down high blood pressure without use of medicines.

1. Limit alcohol – For years it has been said that alcohol does not good for the body and health. Excess intake is dangerous as it gains weight and absorbs the potassium and magnesium in the body which is essential to keep the blood pressure low. Limit alcohol intake and it will surely help in reducing the blood pressure.

2. Reduce caffeine intake – Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in coffee and also in some of the soft drinks like Pepsi and Coca Cola. It increases blood pressure and can also cause insomnia and restlessness. If you are one of those who are diagnosed with high blood pressure reduce the caffeine intake.

3. Reduce stress levels – Stress has never been good for the health in any way. It has always contributed to the high blood pressure. Occasional stress also contributes to an increase in blood pressure. It can become even worse if stress is mixed with unhealthy food, alcohol or smoking. Try distracting yourself in other activities in times of stress.

4. Regular exercise – Exercise not just makes you healthier and stronger but also strengthens the heart and blood vessels and thus lowers the risk of hypertension. Studies have found that people with fit bodies tend to live longer.

5. Reduce weight – If you are suffering from high blood pressure and are also obese then it is time that you try reducing some weight. Excessive body fat put more pressure on the blood vessels and can even tend to block them. If you are over-weight, there are all the possibilities that high blood pressure can soon follow.

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