Former pop star, current fashion mogul, wife and mother, Victoria Beckham has many achievements under her sleeve. Living the life she does is not easy, but she has made it a point to give it her best, and always stay positive. If there is one thing noticeable about her when you first look at her, apart from her Burkin bag and giant sunglasses, it has to be her flawless skin.
The mother-of-three and wife to hunky footballer David Beckham, she hasn’t always had an easy life with her skin. She terms it as “problematic” and from what we know, she had loads of acne before she switched up her skin regimen and changed the way she looked forever. She isn’t one to believe in plastic surgery, though she does attend numerous spas and use an endless supply of creams and other moisturizers to keep it fresh. In fact, at one point in time there were rumors going about the beauty circle that she uses nightingale poo to keep the acne at bay.
But, here is a truth that Ms. Beckham is putting out for those interested in adopting her more healthy and natural lifestyle – she eats salmon – everyday! In a recent interview with The Edit, the fashion designer said: “I see a dermatologist in LA called Dr. Harold Lancer, who is incredible. I’ve known him for years – he sorted my skin out. He said to me, ‘You have to eat salmon every single day.’ I said, ‘Really, every day?’ And he said, ‘Yes: breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have to eat it every single day.'”
Well, it does make sense. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and enzymes that are known to break down the collagen of your skin. In case you didn’t know, the breaking down of collagen can cause you to look older. However, over and above these properties, salmon also contains vitamin D, protein, B vitamins and biotin all of which contribute to anti-oxidation and cellular turnover.
Even pop icon Mariah Carey swears by eating salmon. She says it’s the only thing she eats. Though we will take that with a pinch of salt. But nonetheless, the properties of salmon are incomparable to any other super food that you can consume today. Of course, if you’re vegetarian or vegan, it might do you good to instead take supplements that will work as well. For those who indulge in meat, it is awesome to swap red meat with salmon, even around the holiday season. Of course, be careful that you’re eating the wild version, rather than the farmed version of salmon. It makes a big difference.