Top Highlights From Second US Presidential Debate – Clinton vs. Trump (In Case You Missed It!)


They didn’t shake hands at the beginning but were (somewhat forced) to compliment each other by the end

The two top presidential candidates were at it again for their second presidential debate. As expected, the debate was full of personal attacks and clashes just like the first one. Here are some of the major talking points that we gathered from the debate.

Trump’s Surprise Press Conference Prior to the Debate

Trump held an impromptu press conference where he was joined by Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick, three women who were allegedly assaulted by Bill Clinton. Also in the lineup was Kathy Shelton a woman who was raped as a 12 year old in 1975. Bill Clinton was the defendants attorney and was later caught laughing during an interview while discussing the case. They bashed the Clintons but later, a CBS reporter asked Trump about the latest video where he makes vulgar comments and brags to groping women. The reporter was escorted out, no surprise there.

The Trump Tape Controversy

The moderator, Anderson Cooper, asked Trump whether he sexually assaulted and groped women without their consent. As expected, Trump denied to sexually assaulting women and apologized for the comments, saying he’s not proud of them and swiftly started talking about ISIS. Clinton seized this opportunity by stating that Trump attacks minorities and immigrants on top of insulting, rating and embarrassing women.

The Obamacare Question

When asked what they would do to fix healthcare, Clinton pointed out the changes such as pre-existing condition coverage but vowed to bring the overall healthcare cost down. Trump called it a disaster and vowed to tear it down if elected.

On Islam and Islamophobia

Responding to a question from the audience in regards to Islamophobia in the US, Trump termed Islamophobia a shame but said he’s for extreme vetting of Muslim migrants. Clinton stated that the US is not at war with Islam and that everyone is welcome.

On Taxation Issues

Trump attacked Clinton by stating that she would raise taxes; he stated that he understands the tax code better than all presidential aspirants. In her defense, Clinton attacked Trump by saying that he only takes care of himself and those like him.

Witty Remarks by Both the Parties

This was the most enjoyable part of the entire debate. Witty sassy comments and quotes kept us thoroughly the squabble between Donald and Hillary. Here are some of our favorites;

Trump On calling himself a politician

“I cannot believe I’m saying that about myself, but I guess I have been a politician”

Trump On the 2005 video controversy

“That was locker-room talk.”
“I am not proud of it. I’ve apologized to my family. I’ve apologized to the American people”
“I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”

Trump On Syrian refugees coming to the US

“We know nothing about their values and we know nothing about their love for country.”
“The greatest Trojan horse of all time.”

Trump on one thing he respects about Hillary Clinton

“Hillary Clinton is a fighter. She doesn’t quit, she doesn’t give up.”


Hillary on refugees coming into the US

“We will have vetting that is as tough as it needs to be, from our professionals, our intelligence experts and others.”

Hillary On ISIS

“I intend to defeat ISIS, to do so in a coalition with majority Muslim nations…We are not at war with Islam and it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of terrorists to act as though we are.”

Hillary on Russia and Syria

“I stood up to Putin, (I) will do so when I become President. (I) want Russia and Syria to be held accountable for war crimes.”

and finally, here’s something really sweet by Clinton;

“(I) respect Donald Trump’s children. They’re incredibly able and devoted.”

Stay tuned as the Third (and last) Presidential Debate is coming up on October 20. This, followed by the US Presidential Elections on November 3, 2016.