Hottest New Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Trends for 2016


    For women, fashion, beauty and lifestyle are always on the move. Interestingly, men are catching up very fast, as the hottest new fashion, beauty and lifestyle trends for 2016 show. If you are looking to join the frail, here is what you can expect.


    Man Braids

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    Man braids-men are wearing the unusual hair braids, with the adventurous even going for multiple braids. For a unique look, some men will even be adding dye to their braids.

    Happy socks

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    Socks-a lot has been said about happy socks, but this craze is not about to die anytime soon.

    Baggy Jeans

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    Baggy leg Jeans-As one of the hottest denim trends for men in 2016, expect to see more of these wide-legged but comfortable trousers. Talk of going back to the 70s.


    Things are little more sophisticated when it comes to women hair, clothing, accessories and so on.


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    Hair-glitter roots are definitely a plus for the busy woman. With just some gel and glitter, a woman can add sparkle to her look and the day ahead.

    Kylie jenner Lip Kit

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    Lips– Kylie Jenner Lip Trend has taken over the internet and obviously, women are adopting it without apologies. This year is going to witness bright colors thanks to the priceless lessons from the Los Angeles born model.

    Flatforms are back!-Just when everyone thought these sandals had gone forever, many women are now reconsidering these stylish and comfortable shoes. Get a pair of these and be part of this reincarnation.

    Palm Bracelet

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    Sparkling palm bracelet-Relocation of the bracelet is also a hot trend in 2016. The power of the sparkle is in having the ornament sit not on the wrist, but in the palm.

    What about lifestyle?

    There is so much to expect in regards to health and wellness, recreation, shopping and so on. For example, you will be able to take more classes from your home, thanks to the Smartphone.

    That is 2016 hottest new fashion, lifestyle and beauty trends in brief for you. It is clear that the culture of looking back and freshening up the old is here to stay.