Exercise can be equivalent to prescription drugs to lower high blood pressure

Just 30 minutes if exercise can be equivalent to the prescription drugs that lower high blood pressure


Just thirty minutes of morning exercise can be equivalent to the prescription drugs for lowering the blood pressure and also keeps it reduced for the rest of the day. Scientists in Australia have found that just a short bust of exercise like walking on a treadmill at moderate intensity has all the potential to replace the need for medication in some of the patients.

The British charity Blood Pressure UK has said that around one in three adults which is around 16 million people suffer from high blood pressure. This is equivalent to 31 percent of men and 28 percent of women in England. Exercise helps in reducing the blood pressure by strengthening the heart which means that the easier it pumps the blood, the less force is endured by the arteries that lowers the blood pressure.

Experts from the University of Australia in Perth had examined data of overweight and obese men and women aged between 55 to 80 at the beginning of the study. 35 women and 32 men had taken part in three different daily plans in random order with at least six days between each one. The first plan had uninterrupted sitting for eight hours and the second one had one hour of sitting before 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill at moderate intensity, followed by 6.5 hours of sitting down.

The study was conducted in a lab to standardize the results and men and women ate the same meals the evening before the study and during the day. The experts then measured blood pressure and heart rate and took blood tests to assess adrenaline levels throughout each eight-hour plan. The results of the study found that blood pressure especially the systolic blood pressure was lower in men and women who took part in the exercise plans compared with when they did not exercise. Women enjoyed extra benefits if they added in the short three-minute walks throughout the day.

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