5 Small changes for a healthier life


Changing your habits might not be the easiest thing in the world, so start out with small things at first. Eventually, these little changes will make such a positive difference in your life, they will become your new, healthy routine. Here are 5 small changes for a healthier (and happier) life.

5 Small changes for a healthier life

1. Decorate your plate – People who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables have a 70 percent lower risk of developing digestive-tract cancers. In order to reach the optimum level, make sure to always eat a meal that contains a vegetable or fruit and keep in mind that fries do not count.

2. Opt for thin-crust pizza – Pizza can have its spot on your menu, but remember to order a thin-cust one instead of thick-crust, as it has a third fewer calories. Also try blotting the cheese with a napkin to reduce even more fat.

3. Skip the second cup of coffee – The amount of caffeine in 2 cups of coffee adds 16 beats per minute to your heart rate, so skip the second cup and opt for water or tea instead.

4. Have cherries before bedtime – Fresh cherries and cherry juice contain concentrated melatonin, which is a popular over-the-counter sleep aid. Make sure to try some before bedtime, if you are experiencing sleep problems.

5. Grab a banana – This great fruit contains potassium, which can lower your blood pressure and all you need is one banana a day.

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