We love our celebrities, don’t we?! They are like fairies who can do the impossible and always end up looking flawless. Sometimes, we forget that they are humans, just like us. The difference is we can eat all the cake we want, while they need to squeeze into all those ridiculous designer outfits and movie roles. Now, take a look at the extreme celebrity diets to make you want to eat cake and cry. Om-nom.

The celebrated entertainer admits to loving eating Southern soul food that includes everything being dipped into batter and fried. She recently went vegan and promised to eat clean and healthy, but that didn’t stop her from ditching her diet completely, all for a role. In Dreamgirls, Bey killed it with her performance. But did you know that in order to look the part, she went on a 10-day diet drinking only Lemonade? Looks like it got her so pissed, she created an album called Lemonade years later! The concoction included lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper, with water. She drank it over a dozen times a day, but we can only imagine the agony she was in.
Marilyn Monroe

For a figure that tantalized men, including the President of the United States, you can well imagine that the beauty went on diets that you and I will trade any day for a doughnut. Because, we doughnut care! Ok, sorry. But Marilyn Monroe’s diet was just as extreme as those ample curves she got going on. For breakfast, she downed warmed milk mixed with raw eggs. She then skipped lunch entirely, maybe because she was just as nauseous as we are reading this. For dinner, she went all out, eating broiled steaks or lamp chops and then indulged in a much-deserved sundae. At least she ended her day well!
Renee Zellweger

Fresh off her Bridget Jones’ Diary days, where she was forced to eat all the goodies you usually have in your weekly shopping cart, she had to quickly lose the pounds and baby fat to dance around in the Oscar-winning musical, Chicago. So, how did she do it so fast? Answer: She chewed on ice cubes. It’s a very smart idea, actually. You fool your body into thinking you’re eating because of all the chewing, but only ice-cold water goes in. It ended up giving her the body she was looking for, but spoiled her enamel and nerves with all the coldness.
Jennifer Aniston

At, what 40? 50? She has the body that has any 20-something in Hollywood running for their money. Apart from being a fitness freak and indulging in every health fad out there, including consuming only “smart water” and going on a Paleo diet, there is one trick that she swears by, to this day. She actually skips breakfast entirely, and only has warm water with lemon. As science proves, lemon has amazing properties, including cutting out any fat and bad stuff that gets stored in the body. Skipping breakfast is still extreme though, no?
Adriana Lima

Anyone can guess that a Victoria’s Secret angel/model is going to be eating little to nothing, because those bodies are just unbelievable. I would rather eat a nacho than be as thin as one! Adriana Lima recently shared her diet secrets, since she has been a veteran on the catwalk, even after becoming a mother. She says that around a week before she has to strip down into nothing but lacy underwear and a pair of wings, she refuses any solid foods. Instead, she blends everything into liquid form and drinks it. Which also means she won’t be downing pureed steak anytime soon, so she might just be consuming all that green juice nonsense.
Anne Hathaway

The Oscar-winner now claims that she had absolutely no pleasure in picking up her much-deserved golden statue for a stellar performance as the starving prostitute, Fantine in Lés Miserables. What was her star diet for the role? You will put down your bowl of sugar-stuffed cereal to mourn for her. She had to eat just two squares of bland oatmeal in a day. What?! Why do they even do that to their actors? Thankfully, she must have wrapped up filming quick enough and put some real food into her damn mouth after that. It’s a wonder she didn’t faint on set.
Gwyneth Paltrow

The Goop owner and absolute spoilt-brat mum, Gwyneth is known for her ridiculous food habits that she says keeps her healthy and whole, and involves her children to eat the same – gluten-free, this free, that free, fun free. She also has a very peculiar habit of chewing her food morsels at least 13 times before swallowing. So, unlike us who gobble up our cheeseburgers and down it with another gulp of milkshake, she actually makes for quite an annoying meal companion. But then again, look at that body!
But, there are those celebrities who know how to have fun. Here are top two picks for celebs who do their thing and DGAF
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga
Yes, she loves her fitness and she loves her food, too. Mother Monster will waste no time in downing whiskey shots throughout the day. For work inspiration, for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner and even when she’s about to perform. Let’s be real, whiskey is the answer to everything, just that science hasn’t discovered that awesomeness yet.
Stephen King

The prize-winning writer is an effin’ genius. And you can thank him for being real, because he is known for his mind, rather than for his body. And he gives credit for his great works to none other than our favorite dessert – cheesecakes. He says that before he sits down for a session of writing, he has to cut himself a good slice of sweet heaven.