
How to stay committed to a healthy diet

Healthy eating consists of choosing the right foods in specific combinations and consuming them in required quantities. It is also guided by the objectives one wishes to achieve for his or her body. Diet in most cases is the key determinant to our bodies’ exposure to factors such as disease and even life expectancy. There are different foods recommended for the development of each and every part of the body.

Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet.

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Being immensely rich in antioxidants, Green tea provides those who in indulge in it regularly with a good memory and mental alertness. It also contains strong anti-bacteria compounds which eliminate germs responsible for tooth decay and gum diseases. Certain Cancers are also kept at bay by constantly sipping this beverage.


Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and is one of the functional foods for its nutritional antioxidants and anti-cancer properties.

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This green and leafy vegetable should feature prominently in every serving of all diet conscious individuals. Spinach is heavily loaded with iron, vitamins, magnesium and mineral content that help develop muscle fibers, as it strengthens our cardiovascular systems and supports blood cells in our bodies.

Dairy Products

Consuming dairy products provide a lot of health benefits.

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Dairy is a potent source of Probiotics – the friendly bacteria concentrated in the large and small intestines where most of the digestion occurs. It helps bolster absorption of nutrients into the blood stream and treat ailments such as diarrhoea. Vitamin B and B complex which is available in yoghurt is a great boost to methylation and the functioning of your respiratory system. 3 glasses of milk daily translate to a strong bone structure and robust teeth.

Flaxseed and Salmon

Flaxseed and Salmon are very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Both rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, these two are superb for brain development and reducing dementia. They also help reduce clogging in the arteries as well as maintaining blood pressure at manageable levels.

There are many other foods that can augment or even rival the above food choices, but what matters in the final analysis, is the nutritive value added inside our bodies.

Observe a healthy diet and live longer!

Take a look at these Herbal formulations which will help you maintain a healthy diet.



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