losing weight

Reasons why you might not be losing weight despite regular workouts

Regular workouts are important for the body to remain in shape and to maintain fitness and good health. There are…

2 years ago

4 Tips for people in 30s to lose weight

It is easy to lose weight when people are young in their 20s. But people in the 30s need to…

4 years ago

5 Scientific ways to lose weight during winter

Winter is a time when it becomes a little tough to have a control on the diet and to maintain…

4 years ago

Top 12 Health gadgets of 2017 which can help you become fitter and healthier

Innovations in the field of fitness and health in recent years have led people to become more health conscious. Health…

8 years ago

Easy Hacks To Lose Your Belly Without Any Exercise Or Diet In 2017

Because going to the gym is so 2016 Can you imagine losing tough belly fat without having to actively work…

8 years ago

3 Reasons to drink green tea

UpdatedTrends.com: Coffee is beneficial for us in many ways and is even considered to be more healthful than tea, however,…

11 years ago

3 Ways to cut calories every day

UpdatedTrends.com: Working out on a regular basis and eating healthy offer best results when it comes to losing weight or…

11 years ago

3 Fat-burning comfort foods

UpdatedTrends.com: When we think of comfort foods, we usually envision something tasty, creamy, sweet or savory, which brings back memories…

11 years ago

3 Evening habits helpful in losing weight

UpdatedTrends.com: When you are trying to change your eating habits and lose some weight, it can seem like there are…

11 years ago

4 Top high-fiber foods to eat on a regular basis

If your goal is to lose weight, stay in shape or reduce the risk of some types of cancer, then…

11 years ago