
4 Signs your body could signal about a heart problem

Your heart is one of the most important organs of the bod as it helps to purify the blood. It…

3 years ago

Everyday habits that could be had for heart health

Lifestyle for many people has changed. People have become more workaholics and hardly pay attention to their personal health and…

5 years ago

Adding chilies to diet can reduce risk of death from heart ailments

Chilies is an important part of many cuisines and is not just used in Asia but is now used across…

5 years ago

5 easy ways of lowering risk of heart diseases

A new report published in the journal circulation has revealed that 48 percent of the American adults suffer from some…

6 years ago

Less than six hours of sleep not good for heart health – Study

For many years, health experts have talked about the importance of sleep and its effects on your health. Six hours…

6 years ago

FDA warns of fatal heart damage due to some antibiotics

The Food and Drug Administration has on December 20, 2018 said that some of the anti-biotics can cause painful and…

6 years ago

Doctors suggest simple way for heart patients for longer life

It is often seen that heart patients lead a sedentary lifestyle. A paper was presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress…

6 years ago

Insufficient sleep might put you at risk of heart diseases – Study

For years, medicos have been talking about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. A person needs to have…

6 years ago

4 Health benefits of almond milk

UpdatedTrends.com: Even though almond milk cannot offer the same amount of calcium and protein as regular milk, it is still extremely healthy…

11 years ago

Health foods for healthy heart

Heart is one of the most important organs, which purifies and pumps the blood to the whole body. Health of…

11 years ago