healthy diet

Planetary health diet can save planet and lives

Scientists and experts are everyday trying to find out new ways to prevent any further damage to the planet. An…

6 years ago

Researchers stress on balance of fats for a healthy diet

Some of the public health guidelines like the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, since a long time have stressed on reducing…

6 years ago

How to stay committed to a healthy diet

Healthy eating consists of choosing the right foods in specific combinations and consuming them in required quantities. It is also…

9 years ago

8 Healthy Habits To Form In Your Twenties

When you're young and full of energy, it seems hard to believe that anything could go wrong. But as many…

9 years ago

10 Must-Have Super foods for Spring 2016

With the mornings getting lighter and temperatures slowly increasing, it can only mean one thing: spring is here! Make sure…

9 years ago

3 Energy-boosting foods If you are having troubles sleeping at night and feeling tired and exhausted the next day, or if the…

11 years ago

4 Simple ways to reduce stress on a daily basis The majority of people are under stress on a daily basis and its negative effects can take a toll…

11 years ago

3 Healthy foods to replace less healthy preferences Changing your eating habits and incorporating healthier foods into your diet does not mean you have to give up…

11 years ago

3 Superfoods to include in your diet

If you want to improve your diet and incorporate more healthy foods into it, here are 3 superfoods you should…

11 years ago

4 ways to convince adolescents to eat healthy It is difficult to convince kids who are in their teenage years to have a healthy diet. Though it…

12 years ago