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3 Ways to move house stress-free If one of the things on your to-do list for 2014 is to move, you most likely already have plenty of concerns on your mind. Even though moving house has been marked as a stressful event in life, there are 3 ways to deal with it stress-free.

1. Declutter your home – When you start going over your possessions, make sure to have one box in which you will put things that have no use, but do have sentimental value. Anything else that does not fit in the box needs to be thrown out and make no excuses. If you have not used something in the last year or two, you are most likely not going to use it, but keep in mind that you can always donate it to charity or sell it on eBay and make some extra money.

2. Start packing earlier than you need to – Packing usually takes longer than we think, so begin with the non-essentials first, as this will also help with the decluttering process. Make sure to start with a drawer that you never open or the garage which is used as storage only, because this will not disturb the things you need on a daily basis. Once you have taken care of that, everything else should be fairly simple.

3. Organization is crucial – Do whatever works for you when it comes to organization – label everything, assign a color of label for each room, get more boxes, plan in advance. If you have your own system of organizing things, make sure to guide other people helping you in the move.

Photo Credits: ToggleTime


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