
Things not to do to avoid frost in your frost-free refrigerator

Gone are the days when you would need to defrost your refrigerator on a regular basis. Majority of the households now have frost-free refrigerators, but still there are a number of people who continue to complain of frost in their appliance. Frosting in a frost-free refrigerator means that there is something that you are doing wrong. Here are a few tips that will help you to avoid frost in your refrigerator.

1. Do not toss hot foods in the refrigerator – Before you place any food item in the refrigerator, always make sure that they are at the room temperature. Hot foods should not be kept in the cold storage and should be allowed to cool down. Placing hot foods introduces humidity in the appliance that can result in frosting.

2. Do not place wet food – This can be a bigger issue especially during the summer season. When you purchase frozen items from the grocery store, it begins to thaw before you get home. If you see any water droplets on the outside of the package, make sure that they are wiped properly before they are kept in the freezer.

3. Stuffing your freezer – While stacking food in the freezer, make sure that they are systematically placed with an inch gap between the two rows. Too much of food can block the air vents and would seal the compartment and lead to frosting.

4. Old freezer door seal – An old freezer door seal can allow the outside moisture to enter the appliance and create frost. Make sure that the gasket seals are in good condition. You can also replace them if needed.

5. Check for damaged defrost sensor – Many of the modern refrigerators have built-in defrost cycles that take care of the frost automatically. But if the sensor that detects frost is damaged or not working then the frost could build up and you might need to get it repaired.

Photo Credits: Pixabay

Anita John

She is proud about her knowledge on the latest trends in fashion, what’s hot on the red carpet and celebrity gossip.

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Anita John

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