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Airlines to ban alcohol service on flights

The flights across the globe are slowly rolling back to operation but are operating with a number of guidelines and strict rules and policies. While it is already mandatory on almost all of the flights to war face masks and coves, many of the airlines are also banning serving of alcohol on the flights. The lockdown time was when alcohol business had boomed but that might not be the scene on the flights any more as a safety measure due to the coronavirus pandemic. The airlines including EasyJet and KLM in Europe, American Airlines and Delta Airlines in America and Virgin Australia in Asia are suspending all or at least part of their alcoholic drinks service due to the pandemic.

The airline industry is taking steps to protect the passengers and the crew members and is limiting the interaction of the staff and the passengers by cutting down on the service. Many airlines are serving only water and some of them are also encouraging the passengers to carry their own water bottles. This is also another way to keep the passengers with their masks on for a longer time. The passengers are otherwise allowed to take off their masks while drinking or eating.

The domestic operations were resumed by Easyjet across the United Kingdom and France on June 15, 2020. A few international routes are also resumed. The passengers are for now allowed to bring their own food and water and the in-flight foods service is expected to resume in the next few months.

Even the toilet facilities for the passengers are limited. Virgin Atlantic has said that it will be issuing the passengers with Health packs that will include face masks, hand gel and surface wipes. The airline is also on a temporary basis banning alcohol service on flights. Meals will be served on flights that have travel time of more than 9 hours.

Photo Credits: Pixabay


A tech geek who enjoys spending hours learning the intraccies of gadgetry.

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