
What is reverse breathing and why it should be practiced

Breathing exercise is practiced by many people as it has a number of benefits and also has healing properties. But not many are aware of the reverse breathing practice. It is equally important as normal breathing techniques and should be practiced everyday. As the name suggests, reverse breathing is the reverse of the natural in and out movement of the stomach while breathing. Such a technique helps to relieve from stress, helps in proper digestion and also calms the body. The beauty of it is that it also helps you to be aware of your emotions and also helps you to improve your meditative focus.

How reverse breathing is done?

It is a very simple process as you just need to sit down in a calm and clean environment in the fire-log pose. Fire-log pose is where you have to keep your legs one above the other while sitting. Place both the hands on the lower abdomen and your thumbs should touch the navel. When you inhale, push your stomach gently inside towards the spine with your eyes closed and while exhaling, allow the stomach to be pulled outward. Repeat this about 5 to 7 times everyday and gradually you can also increase the frequency when you get used to it.

Why reverse breathing should be practiced?

1. Strengthens the abdominal muscles – such a technique helps to strengthen the abdomen muscles. When you exhale, the perineum muscles are contracted and when you exhale, the muscles are relaxed. Even the abdominal muscles are given a good workout.

2. Improves immunity of the body – Any breathing exercise provides oxygen to the entire body and helps to improve the immunity. The body organs function in a better way as the oxygen reaches your tissues and cells that helps to improve your body immunity.

3. Increases the capacity of the lungs – It also increases the capacity of the lungs as more oxygen is pumped. The exercise helps to push the diaphragm to expand completely and helps to create space to be filled with air.

Photo Credits: Pixabay


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