
Including spinach to diet can help improve health

If you are not so fond of green leafy vegetables, think twice as including the in your diet can reduce…

6 years ago

Raw spinach in smoothie form has maximum nutrients, study

For years Spinach is known for being packed with several nutrients. A new European research has found that eating raw…

6 years ago

How to stay committed to a healthy diet

Healthy eating consists of choosing the right foods in specific combinations and consuming them in required quantities. It is also…

9 years ago

3 Foods for hair growth

UpdatedTrends.com: Beautiful, shiny, long hair is what many of us dream about and when it comes to healthy hair, it is…

11 years ago

3 Energy-boosting foods

UpdatedTrends.com: If you are having troubles sleeping at night and feeling tired and exhausted the next day, or if the…

11 years ago

10 Healthy food combinations you should try out

Eating healthy is a lot like math: you need to divide portions, count calories and subtract fat. On top of…

12 years ago