
Smoking not only damages lungs but also affects eyes

Specialists have warned that millions of people in the UK are putting their sight at risk by continuing to smoke…

6 years ago

Smoking stops bodies from fighting cancer

A research has said that smoking cigarettes can stop the body from fighting deadly skin cancer. Smokers and former smokers…

6 years ago

4 Ways to protect your heart Stressful and long working hours behind the computer, greasy and salty food, smoking and alcohol can significantly impact the overall…

11 years ago

5 Ways to quit smoking cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes is one of the toughest addictions to break. Many people try their best to get over this handicap,…

12 years ago

Women smokers more vulnerable to heart problems than men

Updated Trends: A study conducted by the researchers in the US has said that women who smoke are more likely…

14 years ago

Cigarette smoking in morning leads to higher disposition to cancer

Updated Trends: A new research by the scientists in the US has stated that people who smoke in early morning…

14 years ago