
Why have some people not caught COVID

The coronavirus pandemic continues even today with a number of variants across the globe. Ever since the beginning of the…

3 years ago

Ways to make a COVID-19 infected person feel better

Times are tough due to the coronavirus pandemic. Gone are the days when you can make a person feel better…

4 years ago

Childhood infections could lead to mental illness in future

Infections in children are a common phenomenon and are likely to occur with a change in weather or place. A…

6 years ago

Lyme Disease – Deadly Ticks You Ought to Know About

Uncommon and mostly unheard of, the Lyme disease can cause much ailment, pain and discomfort to its victims. An animal-borne…

8 years ago

5 ways to avoid eye infections Sometimes eye infections can lead to serious problems that can even affect your eye sight. Infection in the eyes…

13 years ago

5 ways to prevent infections from food

Updated Trends: Apart from unhygienic public doors and lifts, infection can also be spread through food. Contamination through harmful bacteria…

13 years ago