
What is Manuka Honey and what are its health benefits

Manuka Honey is also known as monofloral honey which is made from the nectar of the manuka tree. It is…

4 years ago

8 Easy Foods To Cook In Your Twenties

It is always comforting to know that you have the requisite skill to feed yourself if the need arises. All…

9 years ago

5 Foods That Help Boost Your Immunity

There are many conditions (including cold and flu ) that do not have a cure in spite of advances in…

9 years ago

4 Ways to get a good night’s sleep

UpdatedTrends.com: If you are having troubles sleeping at night, there is a possibility that you need to change something regarding…

11 years ago

2 Natural ways to deal with oily skin

There are four main skin types and they all have different requirements. Oily, dry, normal and combination skin need to…

11 years ago