
Exercises to treat anxiety

There are millions of people who are affected by anxiety disorders. Anxiety is also one of the most common mental…

12 years ago

Ways to get relief from chest congestion

Chest congestion is a condition where the person finds it difficult to breathe. In such a case finding relief becomes…

12 years ago

5 ways to overcome constant unhealthy snacking Many times, constant exercising can lead to constant snacking, which might undo the effects of the exercise. An urge…

12 years ago

Major causes of high cholesterol levels in the body In this health-conscious life of ours, many a time you must have heard the word 'cholesterol' pooping up in conversations around you.…

12 years ago

3 ways to replace lost electrolytes The human body needs electrolytes which are essential elements found in the foods we eat. During a workout or…

13 years ago

Top three remedies for migraine headache

The actual cause of migraine headaches are still not known to anyone. But the conditions like hormonal changes during menopause,…

13 years ago

Pets to have at home with allergic kids Children love to have pets at home as they get company - in case they do not have siblings.…

13 years ago

5 ways to deal with guilt and worry The two emotions of guilt and worry are not necessarily damaging. Guilt can encourage a person to make changes…

13 years ago

Ways to avoid blotchy spots on make up There are various reasons like ageing, acne or other skin conditions for blotchy spots to appear on the face.…

13 years ago

Foods that help prevent heartburn People suffer from heart burn condition when the stomach acid reaches the esophagus and causes pain below the ribs.…

13 years ago