
3 Ways to maintain brain health

Scientists are still argueing on building a better health of the brain and are searching for new techniques that help…

10 years ago

5 Unusual places you can meditate

Life these days has become stressful and people hardly get time for themselves. Regular meditation has several benefits but lack…

10 years ago

4 Ways to have a refreshed and a perfect day

There are many times when you might feel that you had a pathetic day, but there are a few ways…

10 years ago

4 Ways to improve mouth health and smile

Apart from looking after your health it is also important to take care of your mouth and your smile. The…

10 years ago

4 Side effects of garlic

For years garlic has been used as a harb to flavour food. In recent times, the importance of the herb…

10 years ago

4 healthy habits that can prevent stroke Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is surely not rocket science. Just a few bad or unhealthy habits can make you…

10 years ago

4 Ways to wake up without coffee

Ever tried to wake up without coffee? It is time to make a fresh start. Coffee can be a great…

10 years ago

4 Signs of depression in teenagers

Wake up and smell the coffee, your teen might be depressed. Teenage depression isn't an unheard concept, but it is…

10 years ago

Top 4 Foods that help fight UV rays damage

Sunscreen isn't the only option, learn about foods that can help fight UV rays damage. The best way to fight…

10 years ago

4 Factors that increase risk of heart diseases in women

The risk of heart diseases in women can be dealt with by exercising caution. Women tend to be at less…

10 years ago