
Calorie information on menu cards to help in weight check?

Calorie information on menu cards in the restaurants helps and encourages people to eat healthy food. It was found by…

14 years ago

Children spending more time on screens prone to obesity and mental problems

Updated Trends: A study has warned the parents that kids spending too much of time in watching TV and playing…

14 years ago

Ways to treat and avoid ingrown hair

Updated Trends: Ingrown hair is a common problem which occurs after certain hair removal methods like plucking, waxing and shaving.…

14 years ago

Movie time snacks have an alarming number of calories

Next time you go to a theatre to catch your favorite movie, think twice before grabbing a tub of pop…

14 years ago

Poor eating and low income could hasten ageing process?

Updated Trends: A New study has revealed that people who do not have a good appetite and have a less…

14 years ago

Ill effects of lack of appetite in toddlers

Updated Trends: The stage of a toddler is one of the biggest challenges for the parents who are raising them.…

14 years ago

Best foods to be consumed in the winter

Updated Trends: Cold weather is the best weather to consume foods that are warm and hot. In winter, people tend…

14 years ago

Dieting not a successful solution to lose weight?

Updated Trends: A study has claimed that the middle-aged people who plan to lose weight on the basis of dieting,…

14 years ago

Tall women more vulnerable to develop cancer?

Updated Trends: A new study has mentioned that tall women are vulnerable to develop the most common type of cancers.…

14 years ago

Teenage girls have poor nutrition, says UK study

Updated Trends: The Department of Health has recently warned about the eating habits of teenage girls in the UK. According…

14 years ago