
4 Dieting rules you can break without guilt

UpdatedTrends.com: People who are on a diet often face cravings and feel the urge to break their dieting rules. However,…

11 years ago

4 Easy ways to have soft and beautiful lips

UpdatedTrends.com: Lips are the most delicate part of your face and need additional care. In addition to that, your lips…

11 years ago

4 Ways to eat healthy on budget

UpdatedTrends.com: During inflation and recession, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy diet or try to lose weight. The…

11 years ago

5 Health benefits of chamomile tea

UpdatedTrends.com: For many years, chamomile tea has been known for its numerous health benefits and besides being good for your…

11 years ago

5 Things successful women do

UpdatedTrends.com: Many successful women have their own way of handling things. There is no particular procedure or pattern that they…

11 years ago

6 Makeup ideas for blonde-haired women

UpdatedTrends.com: They say that 'blondes have more fun' and in order to have a great night on the town or simply…

11 years ago

5 Makeup ideas for dark-haired women

UpdatedTrends.com: Regardless of your exact hair color - caramel, deep dark brown or hazelnut - there are certain things that women…

11 years ago

3 Foods to avoid during sickness

UpdatedTrends.com: During sickness, there are certain foods which must be avoided, as they might not be suitable for your body…

11 years ago

5 Foods to eat when feeling unwell

UpdatedTrends.com: Winter is the time when your body is surrounded by infection and becomes prone to illnesses. If you are feeling…

11 years ago

5 Health benefits of yoga

UpdatedTrends.com: Yoga is an exercise which not only benefits the body, but also helps to improve one's mental strength. Frequent…

11 years ago