
6 Ways to avoid plastic waste on an everyday basis

Plastic has become a menace for the environment. Though the usage of plastic has many perks and increases convenience, but…

5 years ago

British Airways raises concerns over fuel tankering practice prevalent in Europe

A recent investigation by British Airways has found about a practice that is done to save money, but leads to…

5 years ago

Grizzly bears found starving due to decreasing salmon population

Animal photographer, Rolf Hicker brought to notice a few photographs that give an idea of the effects of climate change…

5 years ago

Ikea says it will produce more energy than it consumes

Several companies are now in to investing in to renewable energy. But not many might be able to say that…

5 years ago

Three Mile Island nuclear plant to officially shut down

Nuclear plants have always been vulnerable to pose a threat to the surrounding in case things go wrong in case…

5 years ago

Ways to use credit cards to help environment

Financial services giant Mastercard and Sweden based starup Doconomy had earlier in 2019 joined hands and launched the Mastercard Do…

5 years ago

Tim Cook donates towards reforestation efforts for Amazon rainforest

Chief Executive officer at Apple Inc, Tim Cook is donating nearly $5 million of his Apple Inc shares to charity.…

6 years ago

Amazon rainforest massive fire puts thousands of species in danger

Since the past week a number of fires in the Amazon rainforest has gutted several portions of the jungle. The…

6 years ago

Low levels of air pollution can also damage lungs

For years, experts have warned about the ill-effects of air pollution and exposure to it can lead to fatal conditions.…

6 years ago

Texas power supplier declares emergency due to heat wave

The state of Texas in the United States has declared an energy conservation emergency as the temperatures across most of…

6 years ago