5 Ways to find a job that suits you best


An average person spends 2,000 hours a year working, plus approximately 200 hours commuting. If this is the amount of time needed to be spent at work, then you might as well do the work you will love!

find a job

Here are our 5 tips on how to find a job you will love:

  1. Find a company that shares your values – if the company’s values don’t match your own, you will never be completely happy in such environment.
  2. Create a customized CV and Cover Letter – these 2 documents represent the first impression a company has of you. Make an effort to customize both to the job you are applying for and really want to get.
  3. Test the waters – practice makes it perfect. Try to schedule informational interviews or land internship jobs. They will help you to learn how to approach interviews without any pressure and prepare you for that interview you have been waiting for.
  4. Don’t compromise – if the job search is taking too long and you are tempted to accept anything being offered to you – don’t. Finding the perfect job takes time and if you accept the job you don’t like, you will probably be searching again in the next few months.
  5. Do what you love – seems pretty obvious, but it is very true. Do the research, evaluate your life and go for what makes you happy!