Top 5 home remedies to treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


Pills are not the only solution, learn about home remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an increasingly common health problem amongst young women. While mild for some, PCOS can have serious consequences for many women. It is best to diagnose and treat the problem before it escalates into something unmanageable. 

PCOS home remedies

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What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

It is a condition in women which entails imbalanced hormone levels. The body has escalated/high levels of androgens i.e. male hormones. This causes conditions such as changes in menstrual cycles (delayed or erratic periods, prolonged and painful periods), cyst formation on the ovaries, infertility or difficulty getting pregnant.

What is the treatment?

The general line of treatment involves taking hormone regulating pills and other allopathic solutions. 

However, there are some simple and natural home remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

1. Flaxseeds – Flaxseeds are good for treating PCOS because they help to lower the levels of androgen in the body, plus it has lignans that boost production of a globulin SHBG (binds the sex hormone) which helps in the binding of testosterone in the body. 

Flaxseed also have high fibre content which is good for the body, mix two tablespoons of grounded flaxseed in water and drink it every morning. Your PCOS is sure to improve with this home remedy.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar – PCOS is often linked to excess insulin in the body, apple cider vinegar helps maintain blood sugar levels in the body, low levels of insulin means low levels of testosterone. 

Mix around two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass water, this will not only help PCOS, but also help in weight loss.

3. Cinnamon – This warm spice is not only meant to dot your Christmas goodies, it has healing properties beyond imagination. Research suggests that cinnamon can improve menstrual cycle functionality in women and thus, PCOS. You only need two spoons of cinnamon powder on a daily basis. 

4. Simple exercises and healthy diet – These two are the basic tenants of a healthy body, even more so for a woman with PCOS. A healthy diet with equal amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains helps maintain balanced hormone levels. 

Physical activity ensures the maintenance of androgen and insulin levels in the body.

5. Spearmint tea – This might sound like an exotic solution, but it is know to be an effective one. It helps with chronic PSCOS because it has anti-androgenic properties in it. Research has linked drinking of Spearmint tea to decrease in excess facial hair growth and testosterone levels. Add dried spearmint leaves to a cup of boiling water and drink this once or twice a day. 

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