Things to avoid when in a long distance relationship

Couples in a long distance relationship often struggle and a few things should be avoided

long distance relationship

A long distance relationship is never easy on the couple who are going through it. Many people refrain from getting in to one, but there are also people who have managed to get in to one such union and are managing to keep the spark alive. Surviving in a long distance relationship is not easy and there are a few things that you should avoid doing when you are in one.

1. Send cryptic messages – Being in long-distance relationships can often lead to misunderstandings as the message that is conveyed is not accompanied with emotions or expressions. Do not send any cryptic or a one-word message, that would lead to misunderstandings or would lead to confusion with the other person involved. Make sure that you are communicating well and are expressing your heart out.

2. Jealousy – a long distance relationship means that you spend majority of the time apart from each other and there might be times when you might feel jealous if you know that he spends a lot of time with a female colleague. But there might also be times when he might be jealous of a male friend of his partner. But constant suspicion is not good for the overall relationship.

3. Hanging up in the middle of an argument –Two people can never have the same thoughts. People in any kind of relationship can have differences of opinions. But it becomes tougher in a long distance relationship. But in case of an argument, things have to be talked out and discussed and hanging up is not the solution and can make things worse. Anxiety and anger can lead to an unhealthy relationship.

4. The silent treatment – The silent treatment is sometimes done by a partner, who has not approved of something. But unless that is communicated, things cannot get better. Communication is the key and things can get worse if proper communication is not done.

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