Uber launches a RideCheck feature to ensure safe ride

Uber has launched a new RideChecksafety feature that will ensure the safety of passengers and driver


Safety has become a major concern for the ride sharing services due to some of the recent incidences. Ride sharing service Uber has come up with a new feature that will take care of the safety of not just the passenger  but also of the driver. The feature will help to keep an eye on any susceptive activities during the ride.  Uber now has RideCheck that will keep a track of the ride while on the route and is a part of the Uber Safety Features.

If there is any kind of irregularity on the route of the car,  the driver and the passenger will get a push notification. This will happen in case the route has been changed apart from that detected by the GPS or if the car stops. The system will automatically ask the driver and the passenger simultaneously if they are in any trouble or if they need help. In case of trouble, the driver or the passenger has the liberty to respond accordingly.

Once the push notification is send and the driver or the passenger has responded, then both of them can use the features on Uber Safety that already exist. A call can also be made on 911 with the help if the emergency button on the app. In case of an accident,  it can be reported to the Safety Line by Uber. For an added safety, the trip can also be shared online with friends  and family. The RideCheck is a good feature amidst an increase in the number of complaints related to safety. There have been cases of kidnapping, rape  and assault that have been done by drivers and has brought down the reputation of the ride-sharing company.

Apart from Uber, more ride-sharing companies are also working on their respective safety features . Even Lyft is under the process to add safety features.

Photo Credits: Hypebeast