Dad creates ReplyASAP app that freezes kids’ phones till they reply to texts


Are you that parents who’s a worrywart when it comes to your kids replying to text messages?! Well, fret no more, because this tech savvy dad just invented an app called ReplyASAP that will get your kids to reply to your texts, well, ASAP.

The app will lock the screen of your child’s phone, allowing them to only use when they reply to your texts. If your child’s phone is on Silent mode, an alarm system will keep notifying them of your impending text, and they can reply to ensure you of their safety. What’s more, it also tells you at what time your child viewed your text, especially if they chose to ignore it!


Nick Herbert, inventor of ReplyASAP with his son
Nick Herbert, inventor of ReplyASAP with his son


Creator of ReplyASAP, Nick Herbert, told a lifestyle magazine of his brilliant invention, “My son has an iPhone, but I still can’t get hold of him very easily as it’s always on silent because he is playing games or has been at school and forgotten to turn the sound back on. There didn’t seem to be a solution out there that allowed me to send a message to him, that would override the silent function, appear over whatever he was doing and tell me when he had seen it.”

Sounds familiar?

Surprisingly, Herbert’s son took it well that his dad just navigated all the teens of this world who dodge their parents’ texts! “It gives him the freedom to keep his phone on silent, but with the knowledge that I can get a message to him if necessary. He knows when to use it and when I send him a message on it, it will be important.”

There are a number of available apps that have each of these functions, but not all of them altogether. However, when choosing an app, read the fineprint, because it could cause you to jailbreak your phone, meaning that any warranty you had on it will be invalid.

Image Credit: Twitter