500 Million Eggs To Be Recalled In The US Due To Salmonella Scare, As Per The FDA


Updated Trends: 500 Million Eggs To Be Recalled In The US Due To Salmonella Scare, As Per The FDA

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recalled some 500 million eggs from the US market, and has also stated that more eggs can still be recalled. The recall of the eggs have reached the states of Georgia due to the Salmonella scare and for the moment some 2000 illness cases have been reported. White Egg County has been fined considerably as the whole chain of sickness began from there.
eggs recalled

The FDA has slapped White Egg with a $3.6 million fine and had also fined them before with $25000 for cruelty to the chicken in 2006. The FDA has still not come up with the cause of the Salmonella outbreak, some main causes may include mice and other rodents.

Margaret Hamburg, who is the head of the FDA has stated that, they are very sure that these farms are not operating as per the FDA norms and that they are not sure enough about the egg recall, if it will really help in containing the disease. The FDA has advised the consumers to wash their hands thoroughly after the handling the eggs and that all eggs should be refrigerated before use.

Source: Examiner