Healthy Kitchen Hacks To Observe For Wellness Sake

    Follow these kitchen hacks to help ypu lead a healthier lifestyle

    Excellent Order is paramount in all spheres of our existence if we have to lead a fulfilling life on this planet. The kitchen is part and parcel of our daily living and as such, order here should be the rule rather than the exception. Research by Food Gurus have shown that well-arranged kitchens are a recipe towards smart choices in your meals. There are several ideas to help health aficionados like you and I derive infinite benefits through prudent space management.

    De-cluttering Of Counters

    The messier the shelves and sinks, the higher the binge habits on snacks. There is a proven spike in stress levels when the kitchen is disorganized. This manifests in haphazard eating which inadvertently affects our body weight and cholesterol levels, as the body stores excess fat.

    The messier the shelves and sink, the higher the binge habits on junk food

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    Displaying Fruit Bowls

    Fruits are less beckoning to our appetites as opposed to soda, cereals, biscuits and confectionery when displayed openly. Moms should reign in their kids’ sweet tooth by simply keeping junk foods out of visibility. This way an unnecessary 20 plus pounds will be avoided.

    Displaying a fruit bowl is said to result in an overall decrease of 20 pounds

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    Playing Hide and Seek With Food

    Making junk food hard to find is another trick to restrain and discipline our gastro desires. We can’t want what we can’t see, as the eyes are the window to our stomachs. As such, it’s important to conceal foods in opaque containers, devoid of any labeling. The sheer frustration of going through several containers before finding one’s favorite snack will certainly discourage any food addict.

    Hiding junk food in places difficult to reach, is one way initiating a healthy lifestyle

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    Stash Away Special Kitchen Tools or Appliances

    Kitchen equipment for special occasions should be kept out of sight – only unleashed when the need arises. Failure to do so will introduce uncalled for cravings in your diet. Toasters, Barbecue grills are some of the major culprits in this segment.

    Keep all your appliances away, use them only when the need arises

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    Use Older Generation Cook Books

    Research has shown that meal portions increase as years go by, with modern guides doubling those in use 50 years ago. Anyone willing to keep that waistline in check should consider retrieving the 70s’ recipes.

    Older cookbooks served comparatively less prtions

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    Switch Dinner Plates For Salad Plates

    The bigger the plate the more the serving. By keeping the wider plates (11 inches and above) out of reach, we reduce our intake by almost 22%. Spoons too should be subjected to the same harsh treatment for more spending results.

    Salad plates are comparatively smaller, therefor, you consume less portions

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    Stock Less and Split-Package More

    The maxim here should be –You can’t eat what you don’t have. Therefore, runaway appetites are tamed more by observing prudent spending habits at the grocery store. In case this is unavoidable, then parents should consider splitting items in smaller packages and subsequently issuing them to teens in a regulated manner.

    Stock lesser junk food, you cant eat what you don’t buy

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    Observe these tit-bits to stay fitter, healthier and live to be an octogenarian.