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Experts warn about habits that could lead to dementia

Dementia is a neurocognitive disorder where the brain is damaged due to an injury or a disease. Some of the symptoms include loss of memory, unusual behavior or deep thinking that poses a negative...

5 Easy and fun ways to maintain fitness after retirement

The beginning of the retirement time for senior citizens might be a depressing time as they are still trying to figure out to find ways to spend time. Most of them might be habitual...

4 Ways to exercise when you have less time

As the coronavirus pandemic slowly fades away, people are also slowly getting back on track and are returning to the offices. This means no more virtual meetings and no more convenience of Work-from-home. This...
sleep habits

4 Sleep habits that can help to lose weight

Sleeping is an important function of the body that allows it to rest and be reenergized for the next day. Not many are aware that following a few simple habits related to sleep can...

5 Important tips to follow for a winter workout session

A cold weather can be a challenge when it comes to waking up in the morning for a workout session. Apart from laziness, there are a number of other factors that can prevent from...

6 Secrets of women who are always in shape

Women who stay in shape are always envied by people around them. It is usually predicted that they might be following fad diets, minding what they eat and exercising their hearts out even when...

5 Easy ways to naturally improve haemoglobin levels

Low count of haemoglobin is a common problem that is found in women. It is a protein that is rich in iron and is found in red blood cells that help to carry oxygen...

Tips to lose weight during winter days

Winter is a time when the weather cools down and gives your body the urge to have something that is nutritious and filling. Hot chocolate, brownies, donuts and cakes are consumed as a part...
fitness trends

Fitness trends of 2021 to be avoided in future

The year 2020 brought a realization among people in terms of fitness. The introduction of the coronavirus made realize the importance of being fit and the importance of exercise and workout. The following year...
belly fat

4 Foods tips to reduce belly fat

Belly fat can be problematic for many people as it is tough to bring it down once it has gone out of control. Consumption of High fat and processed foods can contribute towards belly...

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