3 Essentials to carry on wedding day


Wedding day has to be the perfect day. This is the day nothing must go wrong and everything has to fall in place. So as to make sure nothing goes wrong, here are certain items you can collect in an emergency kit.

wedding day

1. Fashion items – When you are wearing a gown or an expensive outfit, there are chances that minor accidents might take place. Make sure you carry a sewing kit, fashion tape, stain removing pen, safety pins, which can all help during emergency situations. There are chances that a relative might step on your outfit or you might accidentally tear your outfit due to a popping out nail in the furniture.

2. Miscellaneous items – Many times even certain unwanted items can come handy on the day of your wedding. These items include, glue, sticking tape, first aid items, lighters, candles and other similar things you might not even imagine can be useful during emergency situations. If not for your outfit but can also repair a blunder on the wedding alter.

3. Beauty items – Your entire make up kit has to be carried for your wedding day ceremony. Make sure you carry a lipstick, lip gloss, eye liner, kajal pencil and compact powder as the basics. Your wedding day is never going to come back again, make sure the moments are special and you do not want to regret you did not have enough make up on your face or you could have got a chance to touch up.

Photo Credits: brawns