4 Tips for new mothers to look stylish


Being a mother can be one of the most happiest and the most enjoyable experience, but leaves the new mothers very little time to take care of themselves. This is a time when new mothers think of just short cuts to style and compromise in their looks. But here are a few easy tips which can be used by new mothers to look stylish.


1. Fall in love with black – Black is a color which looks great on anyone. Get in your wardrobe and take out those black outfits to make you look the most stylish momma. Wearing black can help you hide those fatty areas and make you look slimmer.

2. Give up t-shirts – T-shirt is the most easiest outfit to get in to especially when you do not have much time to get ready with a baby. Just dump all the t-shirt to a corner and wear buttoned cotton blouses instead. It looks stylish and is also convenient to feed your baby.

3. Studs – Studs make you face look more fresh and polished. They make you look elegant and stylish. Studs are a part of simple accessories but can make your face look completely different.

4. Consider shapewear – Shapewear can make you slim down one size instantly and gets you in proper shape. This also helps to keep you in proper shape when you are trying to lose weight post pregnancy.

Photo Credits: babyworld